Children & Young Services
Children & Young People’s Programme
The Children & Young Peoples Programme is funded by the Department of Children & Youth Affairs to work with young people aged 10 -21 years from the Traveller Community living in Dunlaoghaire / Rathdown County.
Funding for the Children & Young People’s Programme is distributed by Dublin Dunlaoghaire Education Training Board (ETB).
Southside Travellers Children and Young Peoples’ Programme operates from a Critical Social Education model of youth work which seeks to provide young people with the opportunity to actively identify, explore & participate in activities & issues of importance to them.
Within the context of our youth work practice, we seek to build relationships of trust and positive regard through focused developmental programmes and activities in a safe and supportive space which build the capacity of Traveller young people to actively engage in decision making and ownership.
The Children & Young Peoples Programme is based out of the Southside Travellers Action Group centre STAG and at Nathy’s Resource Centre which is located just off Nutgrove Avenue.
We also run activities from Southside Travellers Action Group centre in Sandyford. We run off site activities in various centres / venues throughout Dunlaoghaire/ Rathdown County & further afield.
The Children & Young Peoples Programme also provides a mini bus to collect & return young people home. So the service is accessible to young people throughout the county.
The Programme works with young people within a wide age group. We recognise that younger young people require a different programme to older teenagers. We also recognise that within the Traveller Community some young people will have adult responsibilities and may have different needs & interests.
STAG programmes are designed & delivered together with young people to meet their interests & needs.
We have run a wide range of programmes which include;
Dream Wagon Children’s Rights
Outdoor adventure – Survival skills Create Sound – Music programme
Life Skills Programmes Supported TASK (LTI) programme
Radio -DSFM Cultural Awareness Programmes
Art Summer Programme
Traveller Culture Youth Action Programme
Gym – Fitness Selfies
Handball - UCD Community events
Healthy Eating Education Supports
A Sports Programme
We also provide an outreach service to families throughout the Dunlaoghaire /Rathdown County
We run a In for young people aged 15+ years in Sandyford in September: (If you are interested please contact us & one of our team will get back to you.)
If you are a young Traveller or if you have children or know of anyone who may interested in attending the Children & Young Peoples Programme give our team a call.
Children & Young Peoples Programme Team contact details:
Contact (086) 4120444 to discuss activities for June and our summer 2024 July and August programme.
We operate in both the STAG building, 18 Furze Road in Sandyford and in St Nathy’s Resource Centre.
Charter of Rights
The “Charter of Rights” (2016) is the latest collaboration between Southside Travellers Young People’s Programme and IADT.
The project created a space where young people learned about children’s rights and explored their rights within the youth service.
The result is a formal statement written by young people attending Southside Travellers Action Group, which was officially ratified by the organisation as part of the European Access Conference in UCD.
The aim of this work is to empower young people in becoming aware of their rights and to improve their experiences in particular in the areas of play and leisure, education, and protection.
The young participants of this project have read out each of the 12 rights to create this audio piece.
Listen to the Charter of Rights